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Cabeza's Blog

Sparse Checkout And Shallow Cloning

/ 4 min read

Handle Large Git Repositories with Sparse-Checkout And Shallow Cloning

Working with large Git repositories can be cumbersome, especially when you only need a small portion of the repository. Cloning the entire repository can be time-consuming and waste valuable storage space. Fortunately, Git provides a powerful feature called sparse-checkout that allows you to check out only the parts of the repository that you need.

In this blog post, we will explore how to use sparse-checkout along with shallow cloning to efficiently manage large repositories. We will walk through a practical example to illustrate these concepts.

What is Sparse-Checkout?

Sparse-checkout is a Git feature that allows you to define a subset of the repository to check out. Instead of checking out the entire working directory, you can specify specific directories or files.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Sparse-Checkout

1. Set Up Your Environment

Before we begin, make sure you have Git installed on your machine. You can download it from

2. Clone the Repository with Minimal Data

First, we will clone the repository but avoid checking out the files immediately. We will also use a shallow clone to limit the commit history and use filtering to exclude file contents initially.

Terminal window
# Set up variables
# Clone the repository but do not check out files
git clone -n --depth=1 --filter=blob:none -b ${BRANCH} ${FORK_URL}
cd your-repo

Breaking Down the Clone Command

  • git clone: This is the command used to clone a repository.
  • -n or --no-checkout: This tells Git to clone the repository but not check out the files. This means the working directory will not contain any files from the repository after the clone.
  • --depth=1: This creates a shallow clone with a truncated history. Only the latest commit is included in the clone, which reduces the amount of data transferred.
  • --filter=blob:none: This excludes file contents from the initial clone, fetching only the metadata.
  • -b ${BRANCH}: This specifies the branch to clone. Replace ${BRANCH} with the actual branch name you want to clone.
  • ${FORK_URL}: This is the URL of the repository you want to clone. Replace ${FORK_URL} with the actual URL of your repository.

By using these options, we ensure that the initial clone is as lightweight as possible. The working directory will not contain any files after the clone, but the HEAD will be pointing to the specified branch (main in this case), not master.

3. Initialize Sparse-Checkout

Next, we initialize the sparse-checkout configuration. This prepares the repository for checking out only specified paths.

Terminal window
# Initialize sparse-checkout
git sparse-checkout init --cone

The --cone option simplifies the configuration by allowing you to specify directories in a straightforward manner.

4. Set Sparse-Checkout Paths

Specify the directories or files you want to check out. In this example, we are interested in a directory called extensions/my-extension.

Terminal window
# Set the directories to check out
git sparse-checkout set "extensions/my-extension"

5. Check Out the Specified Paths

With the sparse-checkout configuration in place, we now perform the checkout. Git will only check out the specified paths.

Terminal window
# Check out the specified paths
git checkout

6. Navigate and Work with Your Directory

You can now navigate to your checked-out directory and perform the necessary operations. For example, you might want to install dependencies and run a development server.

Terminal window
# Navigate to the extension directory
cd "extensions/my-extension"
# Install dependencies and run the development server
npm install && npm run dev

Full Script

Here is the complete script that combines all the steps described above:

# Set up variables
# Clone the repository but do not check out files
git clone -n --depth=1 -b ${BRANCH} ${FORK_URL}
cd your-repo
# Initialize sparse-checkout
git sparse-checkout init --cone
# Set the directories to check out
git sparse-checkout set "extensions/my-extension"
# Check out the specified paths
git checkout
# Navigate to the extension directory
cd "extensions/my-extension"
# Install dependencies and run the development server
npm install && npm run dev


Sparse-checkout is a valuable tool for developers working with large Git repositories. It allows you to streamline your workflow by focusing on the parts of the repository that matter most to you. By combining sparse-checkout with shallow cloning, you can further optimize your Git operations, making your development process more efficient and enjoyable.

Try incorporating sparse-checkout into your workflow and experience the benefits of a more manageable and efficient repository setup.

Happy coding!